Saturday, October 20, 2007

Infusions of Grandeur

Infusions of Grandeur.
OK, I like these guys a lot. They come across as a bunch of loons who drink a lot of vodka. The Chile vodka great idea, Garlic Vodka is a war crime against the victim given it and a crime against vodka.

I like vodka; I tend to drink vodka such as Putinoff which is a sight damm better than that Ravnich (spelling) rubbish that tastes of paint stripper. Smirnoff may be popular but it has a taste I don't agree with.

Habanero Vodka seems brilliant, bit like that Capsaicin+Vodka death in a bottle mix I made. How was it, it was probably the same as drinking pepper spray neat. Brutal, yet strangely addictive once you have survived your first encounter with the liquid pain. The Capsaicin in that case was purchased pretty much as pure. (do not do this, can be dangerous). Naga Chile sounds like the next step up for them to make in their persuit of burning vodka.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

My family name is RAVNICH :) it's a croatian family name
I just popped here after googlizing my name looking for something, and if you can give me any clue where to find that paint stripper you're talking about I'd love to know!

I can't leave my email adress like that on a blog page, but if you have a minute you can contact me thru my blog (i can only leave a URL here)

Lord Inquisitor said...

If only seen it in places like ALDI's a cheap supermarker chain. Posting here as can't read your blog.