Monday, July 28, 2008

Cuil Search Engine Not Very Good

The Cuil search engine is not very good in my opinion. Perhaps its the fact its new and doesn't display like a real search engine. It claims 120 Billion sites to search through, but cannot even find its own pages. like the Inf0 and more worryingly the Privacy pages.

Cuil Info MisingCuil Privacy Missing
They should fix this soon.

This is a search engines that supposedly capabler of finding more than pages than even Google. It is not up to the job. The horrible way it displays links is not easy on the eyes and is usually rubbish. Its bloody hard to find what you want with out a load of rubbish appearing. It would be better if they included more normal search options like videos and images and a way to reach by file type, it also cannot spellcheck and "" seem to defeat it.

All in all I say Avoid this thing and use the real search engines, Google and Yahoo.

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