Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Broken Revolver!

My precious revolver is broke! And not by me, mind you. it was done by my brothers girlfriend. I'm busy making stuff and digging mud and she asked to fire a few shots along with my sister. I think this should be OK, but no. I hear shots being fired and then they don't fire and go inside. I think they are finished and have but it back in the box. Oh its back in the box alright. The pin for withdrawing the magazine is loose really loose. The reason its really loose is the damm thing has come apart and been screwed up minus an important part. A really small blasted spring, no idea how long it is just know its about 2mm diameter and a compression spring. Without it the revolver will not stay in place right and won't rotate right so it cant shoot right = AARGH!

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